I am shocked. I am amazed. I want to scream.
Click here.
And Here.
And Here. Vincent
Deliberato said it best. And for those of you who know him, it was truly a profound statement. "If you live in a society with free speech, EXPECT to be offended daily." PLEASE do not let the minority dictate to the majority. HELP THIS CAUSE!!!
After doing some more research, it appears O&A were suspended not for their comments, but because they weren't sorry enough.
XM didn't think their apology was sincere. So they gave them a month off with pay.
also, O&A will (at least for the time being) continue to broadcast their
FreeFM portion of the morning. Please support them! In the Cleveland area, their show is delayed until 3pm on 92.3
KRok. Please listen and support the sponsors.