First off, several people are guessing that Scooter might be pardoned (
here's one example). IF that happens, I will go postal. Scooter already took the fall for Rove and Dick. If he gets off scott free, it will be a sad day for this country. Seriously Repubs, PLEASE try to defend this....I beg you.
Next up, doesn't it seem
this story and
this story are in direct conflict with each other?
Putin seems to be very anti-America right now, and Bush is trying his best to reassure the American people there's nothing to worry about (except, of course, those dirty Muslims!). For the record...We seem prepared to attack Iran to prevent them from building nukes in the next decade. Yet North Korea and Russia, both of whom ACTUALLY HAVE NUKES and both of whom recently expressed anti-American sentiment are ignored. I'm sure religion plays zero part in these decisions by this administration....Come on January, 2009!
Last political item for the day....
I don't believe this story for one fraction of a second.