Tax the rich and put on "salary cap" on CEO's...This is what the people of this poll want. I've discussed CEO salary caps with people in the past, but I wasn't aware the concept had crept into the public. We can go back and forth on taxing the rich. Here are the facts...We had a surplus when Clinton left office, and once Bush rolled back Clinton's tax hike on the richest 1% of Americans (those who make over $518,000 annually), we have record deficits. Of course, Bush also started an illegal war that's a bit on the pricey side...
I know the Conservative mantra is "taxing the rich is anti-American. It discourages people from achieving riches, and thus hurts the country and economy." Let's explore that logic, shall we? Let's say you just make the cut, and make exactly $518,000 a year. When Bush's cuts first went into place, you saved a whopping $3,000. Not much, eh? Well, when the tax cuts are fully in place in 2010, those same folks will save about $85,000 a year! Good for them, right? Except when you consider that those richest 1% of Americans will be saving more in taxes than the bottom 70% MAKE IN A YEAR! I know the concept of socialism scares Americans, but this is outrageous! Never mind the fact that with all of the debt that Bush has been so kind to pass on to our future generations, he also managed to reduce the amount we collect to pay on this debt. Folks, somethings got to give...