Quite a bit has happened since I last shared my thoughts with no one....Obama and McCain have both picked their V.P. Obama's VP was my choice for president many months ago, so obviously I like that pick. The more I hear about/from Obama, the more I am happy to throw my support behind him. I wonder how the Democrats will blow this one?
As for McCain's choice, I think its pretty pathetic, honestly. He chose a woman, obviously to capitalize on disgrntled
PUMA Hillary supporters, and he picked a woman who appeases the religious right. Need some proof? Read
this article, and
this article. If she's good enough for James Dobson, she's good enough to continue to ruin the country, as Dubya has done....
And for those on the right who debate what I say, I submit this. Don't listen to me. Listen to the guru who allowed your party to rule for 8 years, Karl Rove.
Click here to read what he thought about Gov. Kaine, who he assumed Obama would pick for Veep. In the words of Turd Blossom, McCain made an "intensely political choice."
This stuff just writes itself....