Don't call me GAY! Aren't 'Republican' and 'Homosexual' synonyms now? At any rate, here's what the 'news' is reporting about the incident, and here's the police report. I have absolutely no issue with gay people, and find it hilarious that the same bloc attempting to restrict the right of gays is the same party with so many closet homos. Let's break this down for a moment. I can almost accept the 'I'd-rather-just-plead-guilty-and-get-this-over-with' defense. Almost. But if I'm a (Republican) US Senator, I sure wouldn't just enter a plea and hope it goes away.
Speaking of GAY (super!), Ted Haggard is back in the news. You can read about it here. Long story short, he's here (Arizona), he's straight (queer), get used to it (and please give him more money).
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