If you expect me to go off about the presidential primaries, sorry. I'm fond of saying that as long as that lunatic Huckabee drops out, I'm good with any of the remaining 4 (Paul, McCain, Hillary, or Obama). Why do I dislike Huckabee so much? Find out here. And here.
On to other news....I'm sure you've heard of the US satellite tumbling to the earth? Russia has a theory that we're shooting it down as an excuse to test of missile defense system, and I'm inclined to believe them, especially when I read articles like this one.
By now you may be wondering why I have a picture of Charles Barkley on this post. Let me start off by saying that I very much enjoy Charles. I don't always agree with what he says. Lord knows he loves to dump on the Cavaliers, which is always painful, if not accurate. But he's a black man living in America who speaks his mind without apology, and it's so refreshing. Well the other day, he was on the Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer. This link provides a video and link for a full transcript, but check out the meat of the conversation below:
BARKLEY: Hey, I live in Arizona. I have got great respect for Senator McCain. Great respect. But I don’t like the way the Republicans are taking this country. Every time I hear the word “conservative,” it makes me sick to my stomach, because they’re really just fake Christians, as I call them. That’s all they are. But I just — I’m going to vote Democratic no matter what. [..]
BLITZER: All right. One quick point before I let you go. You used the phrase “fake Christians” for conservatives. Explain what you’re talking about.
BARKLEY: Well, I think they — they want to be judge and jury. Like, I’m for gay marriage. It’s none of my business if gay people want to get married. I’m pro-choice. And I think these Christians — first of all, they’re supposed to be — they’re not supposed to judge other people. But they’re the most hypocritical judge of people we have in this country. And it bugs the hell out of me. They act like their Christians. And they’re not forgiving at all.
BLITZER: So you’re going to get a lot of feedback on this one, Charles.
BARKLEY: They can’t do anything to me. I don’t work for them.
BLITZER: All right. One quick point before I let you go. You used the phrase “fake Christians” for conservatives. Explain what you’re talking about.
BARKLEY: Well, I think they — they want to be judge and jury. Like, I’m for gay marriage. It’s none of my business if gay people want to get married. I’m pro-choice. And I think these Christians — first of all, they’re supposed to be — they’re not supposed to judge other people. But they’re the most hypocritical judge of people we have in this country. And it bugs the hell out of me. They act like their Christians. And they’re not forgiving at all.
BLITZER: So you’re going to get a lot of feedback on this one, Charles.
BARKLEY: They can’t do anything to me. I don’t work for them.
Perfectly Stated.
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