Saturday, March 24, 2007

Thoughts for the day.....

Obviously no one reads this site....And as you can see for yourself (no one), even fewer people post comments....That being said, what on freaking earth is the Pope talking about?!? This is at least the second time since he's been sworn in that he's yelled at us for not having more babies....Perhaps 6 billion isn't enough for him....Perhaps the estimated 10 billion people on earth by 2010 is not enough for him....If he continues to encourage the world to pro-create, I'd like to see him take some responsibility and tell us how to feed, clothe, and shelter all these kids we're supposed to be popping out!

On another topic, this guy disagrees with scientists, and he's a nut-job. Republicans disagree with scientists, and they're "exposing the hoax of global warming." Let's pull our heads out of our collective butts and use them for something besides watching American Idol.

1 comment:

KJP said...

I read your is interesting.