Thursday, March 29, 2007

Who's the more foolish?

The fool, or the fool who follows him?
-Obi Wan Kenobi

I (sadly) visit this site a few times a week, because I'm a fan of the expression "know your enemy." And I hate to even waste any one's time on it, but this article was just priceless. It proves several theories of mine....1) Right wing talking heads have zero memory. Were they screaming "Pork!" over Ted Stevens bridge to nowhere? 2) Right wing talkers will denounce polls, saying they aren't accurate and are irrelevant, unless it supports their claims. You can't have it both ways, folks. 3) Right wing talkers have very little compassion. The House and Senate pass a bill A) pulling our troops out of the Civil War in Iraq, and B) assisting Americans, and they're up in arms about it. Heaven forbid we help struggling AMERICAN farmers. I can't believe we'd want to help poor AMERICANS afford rising energy costs. And the left is un-American?!?

I tried to be very careful and only attack the talking heads, not all Republicans. I know you all don't feel this way, or support this lunatic. But let's work together to bring down this kind of hate speech. It only serves to divide us.

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